Paedagogia: Jurnal Pendidikan is an Open Access Journal published by Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training at Datokarama State Islamic University, Palu. Paedagogia is intended to communicate original researches and current issues on education and instruction including: research on learning and teaching strategies, curriculum development, assessment and material development, teacher development and educational evaluation policy.
The focus of Paedagogia: Jurnal Pendidikan is to provide readers with a better understanding about Education from various perspective, covering both library research and fieldwork studies, and present developments with special reference to culture, politics, society, economics, history, and doctrines through the publication of articles.
Paedagogia Jurnal Pendidikan calls for scientists, academics, researchers, practitioners, and observers in the field of Education to publish the result of their research that focuses on:
- Primary and higher education.
- Educational management.
- Educational technology.
- Educational curriculum development
- Special needs education.
- Global issues in education
- Technical and vocational education.
- Other areas in education (including Islamic Education)
Published twice a year, March and September
10 Articles for each published since volume 11 No. 1 March 2022