Author Guidelines
Paedagogia Journal of Education, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, UIN Datokarama Palu uses the following article provisions:
- The article was never published in print or on the internet. Articles must follow the focus and scope of the journal, and should refer to the Journal template. Should written in English (highly recommended to use proofreading and professional translators). The manuscript based on field research or library research.
- Articles must have a minimum word count of 4000, excluding the bibliography, abstract, and footnotes.
- Each article must be accompanied by: (a) title, (b) abstract, (c) keywords, (d) author's name, (e) content of writing, (f) bibliography (refer to journal template)
- The contents of the article have the following conditions:
a. Abstract 150-250 words (written in English/Arabic and Indonesian). Absract should briefly describe the content of the paper which summarizes the objectives, methods, how to collect data, how to analyze data, results and conclusions. The abbreviations or quotes should be avoided in abstract. Abstract must stand alone without footnotes. and it consists of one paragraph and typed in one space.
b. The author's name is typed without an academic degree, just write the name of the faculty/department and institution/college where the author works, and email.
c. Introduction, contains the background, purpose and scope of the writing. The length of the article is not more than 20% of the content of the article.
The introduction contains 1) the background of the problem (presented briefly), 2) a review of literature or previous research (containing state of art) with the aim of justifying or strengthening the statement of novelty/significance of the research, or justifying the originality of writing and scientific contributions. References in literature reviews are strongly recommended from journals of the last 10 years. The originality or novelty statement is stated clearly to clarify the uniqueness and novelty of the article compared to previous research. It also aims to determine the significance and position of the research among other studies.
Quotations or citations must be paraphrased, not directly quoted/pasted in paragraphs. Should avoid citing using bullets and numbering.
The research method is included as a sub-chapter in the introduction, typed with a capital letter at the beginning, without bullets and numbering. The research objectives, formulation, scope, data collection techniques, data analysis techniques and other matters related to research methods are included in this sub-chapter and described in paragraphs.
Research methods should contain detailed information about the research location, number of respondents, techniques for determining and collecting data, and analysis techniques or validity tests. General terms do not need to be written in detail/definitively (eg: a questionnaire is….), just refer to a reference book. - Result and Discussion. It is a core of the article.
Result and Discussion discussion contains the results of research and discussion. The discussion should contain an analysis of the research topic problem with the aim of finding the novelty and significance of the research.
The writing of the table formula is described in accordance with the discussion of the article and it is not necessary to write down the steps for calculating the formula. Tables containing raw data do not need to be presented except for comparison, tables only contain data that has been processed and ready to be analyzed. The table analysis is in the form of an analytical descriptive explanation (referring to the previous paragraph above), not explaining the table points such as "Based on the table above, the number of male students is 49 while the number of female students is 35..., and so on". See journal template. - Conclusions, should contain the final statement of the researcher and is not a repetition or summary of the previous discussion.
- Bibliography must refer to national and international journals at least 60% of the total references or at least 10 journal articles.
- Every manuscript must be edited and formatted in the form of scientific articles according to the journal writing systematics above (point 4).
- Articles can be submitted directly to the paedagogia website at, by logging in first (or register). Sending articles via email or Whatsapp is not allowed. The editor will only process articles that have been submitted on the pedagogical journal web.
- It is highly recommended to use Mendeley or Zotero for writing references with a footnote style citation of Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition full notes accompanied by page numbers, as in the following example:
- Book and encyclopedia
Hamid Syarif, Pengenalan Kurikulum Sekolah dan Madrasah, (Bandung: Umbara, 1995), h.10. dan D.S. Adam, “Theology” Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, Vol. 12, ed. James Hanstings,, (New York: Charles Scribner Sons, 1989), p. 293.
- Journals articles
Ahmad Asse, “Modernisasi Madrasah dalam Sistem Pendidikan Nasional”, Ta’dieb, Vol.16 No.2 Maret 2020. 123-132. DOI:
- Articles in Thesis, Thesis and Dissertation::
Saepudin Mashuri, “Perkembangan Sistem Pendidikan Islam di Perguruan Nahdlatul Wathan Pancor, NTB”, Tesis tidak diterbitkan, (Surabaya: PPs IAIN Sunan Ampel, 2003), p.40.
- Bibliography is written in alphabetical order by reversing the author's name as in the following example:
Gorton, A. Richard. 1976. School Administration. USA: University of Wisconsin.
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