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Articles accepted for processing are articles that comply with the Pedagogia: Jurnal Pendidikan template. Download Template [EN] [INA] Guidelines [EN] [INA] Articles accepted for processing are articles that have met the journal's checklists. More details can be seen here. The article review process is divided into 2 stages, a review by the Editor (article preview) and a review by a Reviewer. The article preview process by the Editor is a process of initial checking of articles that have been submitted. Articles that match the template will proceed to the next process. Articles that do not match the template will be returned to the author (decline). The next article preview process is to do a plagiarism scan (similarity check) using turnitin/ithenticate. The maximum similarity limit is 35%. Articles that have a similarity more than 35% will be returned to the author (decline). Articles that have passed the pre-review stage by the Editor will be sent to the reviewer for review. The review process is carried out by 2 reviewers. The article will be reviewed by the reviewer for a maximum of 30 working days. The review appraisal process is completely based on the reviewer's assessment results. The reviewer's revision process is no longer than 7 days after the review results are sent. Revision submissions that exceed the specified limit will be automatically rejected (Decline) LOA will be issued when the article decision is "Accepted" by the editorial board